Community renewable projects worth £127 million are at risk due to the UK Government’s proposed cut to the Feed-in Tariff scheme.
That’s according to a new report by Community Energy England which assesed the impact of the changes proposed by the Tories.
It surveyed 80 organisations which have delivered 30MW of renewable energy capacity in 175 separate schemes.
They also plan to develop 143MW of capacity in 448 new schemes.
The report claims the government plans to cut subsidies on solar (87%), wind(100%) and hydropower (31%) projects.
It added 90% of respondents said their green projects are “completely at risk” due to the FiTs review.
Asked about the impact on future green projects, 91% said their ambitions are threatened which meansa further £242 million investment “would not happen”, the report added.
Respondents totalling 92% said the changes would affect their volunteers’ motivation to continue working in community energy.
The report stated: “Community energy organisations across the country could continue to deliver benefits if the vital support mechanisms (FiTs and pre-registration/pre-accreditation) remain or are re-instated, at least until all project costs fall sufficiently for the size of schemes that community organisations typically develop. It is hugely important that public and investor confidence in this valuable sector is not damaged now to the extent that no future community energy projects are delivered.”